Friday, March 28, 2008


Although I absolutely do not endorse in anyway, shape, or form, the ideology that is behind the people who made this video, I would encourage people to watch it. I really hate having to get into bed with right-wing extremists like the people who made this video, who are a dutch, anti-immigration Christian lobby, it pains me greatly. I wish instead it had been made by people I actually admire, like Christopher Hitchens. I would also point out that I don't necessarily agree with everything in this video, particularly the stuff about the Netherlands. Nevertheless, given this has largely gone offline because of the death threats that Muslims around the world have been sending people who had shown this video, I think it's extremely important that it does stay up.

You can see it here in dutch and in English:

Please remember, I am not opposed to Muslims. I loath all religions fairly much equally. Credit where credit is due, it was the Jews who started the whole violent god thing, and the Christians who perfected the concept of a just and holy war. It just happens to be Muslims in this day and age who are the ones who scream and carry on when anyone dares raise an alternative to their dogmatic belief systems. My I remind you also, that these people in the video are AS MUCH Muslims as Sufi mystics who practice peace and love. They both claim to believe in the same book. Just as I have many Christian friends who are liberal and left-wing, and still believe in a the ludicrous, violent nonsense in the Bible, I have many Muslim friends who love humanity as much as I do, and yet claim a belief in a book described at best as a "confused pile of dreams".

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