Sunday, June 1, 2008

A faith revived (or, alternatively, what I plan to do in my holidays)

Too many times I have walked past town hall and been berated by crazy Christians, Scientologists, or Hare Krishnas. Often, I have an argument with them myself, but I'm just getting tired of doing this. I really feel like I ought to hand them back a pamphlet outlining my beliefs, and why I don't agree with them. But that would be pretty stupid, seeing I don't have any (except, you know, secular humanism). BUT, I have often thought that I would like to hand out my own religious pamphlets. Not for any mainstream religion, but something totally different. So, I've decided to re-launch the Manichaean faith in Australia. This won't be like those Neo-Manichaeans in Oregon, who pick and choose what they like. No, I'm gonna go with the whole demons ejaculating/aborting fetuses (fetii?) to make humans, Jesus splendour, Zurvan, moon boat cosmology thing. And I'm gonna put it all (concisely) in a leaftlet. Anyone interested in helping out (and please please do so, because I have a very boring life and religion is one of the few things that really motivates me), let me know, and we'll start drawing things up, printing etc. Straight after exams.